Finished Film Opening

Saturday, 1 March 2014

MAIN SHOOT: Integrating titles

We planned from the start that our titles would be simplistic (white/black) and not interact particularly with the sequence, as with Struck By Lightning:

Since our opening includes a voiceover, interaction between two characters and specific shots of what the character is doing, we don't want our titles to be too distracting. They are simply for conventional purposes: to let the audience know who made the film and who is in it. 
Films of our genre usually have these kinds of titles. Because the titles are simple, they reflect the fact that the film is about someone's ordinary life, set in the real world. We are using a sans serif font to show that the film isn't too serious, and positioning them mostly in the corners of the shots.

Here are some screenshots of our edit to show how our titles ended up:

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