Rough Edit Feedback
After the teachers had watched our rough edit, we received the following feedback;
- Move the soundtrack to the very beginning - the opening sequence should not start with complete silence (DONE)
- Don't track the character to the bathroom - Instead use tighter framing or increased scale on the mirror, and have him come up into the frame
- Collar pop is redundant in comparison to light-switch shot; adapt script to talk about light-switch
- Possibly extend voice-over through journey shots OR cut it down, there is a lot of information to take in, and if we do this move 'My routine changed...' to just before collision
- Remember 180 degree rule when filming actual shoot, it was broken during the collision

Use tighter framing in the conversation, there's too much space in the frame
Rehearse the collision more so that it seems fluid
Take out line 'I'm not much company' and have him just walk away
Make Christopher look younger - Satchel, chinos, shirt, tie - rather than business looking
Improve lighting in the household shots - Get Chris to show us how to use the lighting kits
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