Our primary target audience would be 16-24 year olds, and our secondary target audience would be family audiences (mostly 12+). This is explained in more detail in this flow chart.
Here are audience profiles for two people within our primary target audience and typical of that demographic, to explore that audiences' media consumption:
Not all of their answers fit with our genre (e.g. New Scientist as a favourite magazine, although our film arguably attracts to those with quirky or unusual interests as it focuses on a character who is different) but for the most part the profiles indicate that this is the right audience for our film.
This BFI study shows the most popular audiences for different genres in the UK:
As you can see, romantic comedies are most popular among female audiences, but for comedies and dramas, there is not a significant gender difference.
The chart suggests that these genres are slightly more popular among older audiences, but it ignores differences between films within the genre - a romantic comedy-drama focusing on the 16-24 year old demographic is likely to be much more popular among that age group.
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